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Apple’s Problem With Competition…

Tech advice | by Charlotte Bolton | Apr 12, 2024

Apple’s Problem With Competition…

Apple are best known for their constant competitive advantage over the rest of the tech industry. Almost everyone has owned at least 1 Apple product at some point in their life, and if you haven’t… its safe to assume you know at least 1 person. And since starting in a garage working on computers and becoming one of the world’s most famous companies of all time running for over 40 years, it is clear to see Apple isn’t going anywhere.

But although the company is very successful, is their current product focus benefitting them or hindering their growth? Let’s explore the Apple and their competition theory further in our blog, Apple’s Problem With Competition.

Related blog: The Evolution Of The iPhone

How did Apple revolutionize technology?

  • iPhone 2007 – Revolutionised tech by introducing one of the first-ever modern smartphones. The whole phone was a screen which was unusual compared to the current flip phones and keyboard phones being released.
  • iPhone X 2017 – Created the first-ever smartphone with no button on the screen. First iPhone to have an OLED screen being branded as a Super Retina HD Display.
  • Apple Vision Pro – Apple’s first 3D camera headset specifically made to capture spatial photos and videos in real life to experience over and over again like never before.


Why is Apple struggling?

However, the Vision Pro seems to be where Apple’s luck has run out. The Vision Pro was very successful, despite the big price tag, people were paying, and it appears like Apple is trying to keep this success streak going by releasing other, high-end Apple products.

Is Apple still making an electric car?

For example, for the past decade Apple has been on and off on a very infamous project, the Apple Car Project, which was initially begun to try and enter other tech fields because as Apple explained, electric vehicles were the way forward and other brands like Tesla’s electric cars were performing well. But when the Vision Pro was released in February 2024, the car project’s current status was cancelled. But after the success of the Vision Pro, Apple decided to set the Car Project into motion again, with rumours spreading that we may see the car on our roads as early as 2028! More will be explained about this further in the blog.

Another problem Apple has encountered is the running joke from many tech fans and even Apple fans themselves that the company no longer care about their most popular products like their iPhones and is busy focussing on bigger (but not always better) things. Annually, when a new phone is released everyone says the same ‘There’s hardly any changes!’, and we haven’t seen any new updates on iPads and AirPods in recent years too.

Related blog: Apple Flip: What We Know So Far


Apple’s current tech focus:

We have noticed that it seems like Apple is focussing on impressing their competition and getting ahead in terms of creativity and innovation rather than trying to provide its customers with practical and helpful tech improvements. It appears like they are aiming to create the next big thing (like the best electric car) without actually listening to what the customers want.

It has also been recognised that Apple tends to jump from major project to major project. As we mentioned earlier, after the Apple Vision Pro, they decided to set the Apple Car project running again, but only 2 months later it was officially confirmed that the Apple Car project was being forever cancelled for Apple to focus entirely on their AI improvements. But now in April 2024, we are hearing about Apple’s latest project, the Apple house robot currently nicknamed the iRobot. Again, we don’t think anyone will be interested in this tech considering it isn’t a practical tool that’s needed for everyday life, plus it will be very expensive. So again we don’t think the development process of this project is going to last too long.

Customers are looking for products that are useful and have a need like an updated phone, better laptop or new headphones, no one will be interested in robots and cars that offer a completely unrealistic price range.


How does Apple compete with other companies?


Apple are currently in the works of creating a new flip phone that will compete with Samsung Galaxy Flip and Fold Series.


When the Apple Car project was running, Apple planned to rival Tesla with the ‘best smart car’.

Google The company scrapped their Apple Car project to focus on AI enhancements to compete with Google’s abilities on their smartphones.
Amazon Apple’s new ‘iRobot’ rumoured product development is said to rival Amazon’s 2021 Astro robot release.

The Apple Vision Pro was designed and also described by fans to rival the Meta Quest.


Related blog: Tech Rivals: Apple Vs Samsung



Do you agree that Apple seemed to have let their competition get the better of them? We want to know if you agree. It’s interesting to see how their tech and project focus has changed over time. But why not check out the rest of our Apple products on our website, we have their classic iPhones, iPads, and more waiting for you!

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