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It’s Global Recycling Day and there is no better time to contribute to making the world greener.

Lifestyle | by Nathan Lockwood | Mar 15, 2022

It’s Global Recycling Day and there is no better time to contribute to making the world greener.

What is Global Recycling Day?

Global Recycling Day started in 2018 thanks to the Global Recycling Foundation and has been going ever since. A day where we all come together to both recognise and celebrate the importance of recycling in our world.

Some of you may be wondering “what is the goal of Global Recycling Day?” There are two main goals set out every year. To show world leaders that recycling is extremely important to helping our planet and that a joined approach is desperately needed to achieve the necessary results. And to change people’s thinking when it comes to waste. Think of your unwanted goods as resources and not trash to throw away.

Why Should I Recycle?

Recycling is a habit that absolutely everyone should pick up. The last decade has been the hottest recorded, and its impacts are making themselves known. Wildfires consuming warm and dry areas, icecaps slowly but surely melting, accelerating deforestation and so much more.

How does my trash affect the world? When you throw away your old electronics, unwanted food, used plastics and metals and so much more, you are sending all of this straight to landfill sites and environmental locations where it starts to rot and decay. Harming wildlife and causing an increase in carbon dioxide emissions.

By recycling, you are preventing your unwanted stuff from having this effect. And when we come together, we can put an end to it. And this is proved by the stats. Every year, recycling saves over 700 million tonnes in CO2 emissions. And by 2030 it is set to surpass a billion every year. We are all in this together, so let’s make the world healthier!

What Are We Doing to Help?

If you are unfamiliar with our work, we not only sell phones and devices, but we buy them from you too. If you have an old phone, tablet or Games controller lying around gathering dust, you can sell it to us for a competitive price. So don’t throw it away or leave it lying around, send it to us and we will find it a new home.

When you sell and send your device to us, we will put it through a rigorous refurbishing and recycling process. Devices that are beyond repair are thoroughly recycled and taken apart for key parts. Allowing us to prevent any device or harmful phone components from making their way to a landfill site. Devices that can be refurbished are professionally done so by our team of expert technicians. They will clean the device, tune it up and make it like it is new. So that it can find a new home.

No matter what condition your device is in, we will give you a fair price for it. And by choosing Envirofone, you are giving a huge hand to the environment. As part of the TES group, we guarantee that 100% of the phones we receive is given a use. And that none of them will affect the environment.

How Do I Sell My Phone?

Selling to us has never been simpler. All you need to do is head over to our Sell My Phone section and search for the device that you want to get off your plate.

Once you have done that, it’s just as simple as using our free Enviropack to send your device to us. We will then test your phone and offer you a fair and competitive price. You won’t be waiting long either. If your device has been processed before 1pm, you will be paid on the same day!

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